Tuesday, December 31, 2013


It is now time to change the focus of my research that I have been doing throughout my whole senior project. Instead of just finding things on entrepreneurship in general, I am going to do more research on things regarding Business law and Business communications. This seems most reasonable for now because business is the basis of any entrepreneur. Hopefully with the online training courses I am taking for my independent component will also get me even more familiar with business. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Principles of Entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship has been the main focus on what I have researching for the past few months. It is a very interesting topic to me because I am able to learn so much and see that I am going to have to work extra hard to become one. The piece of research that I am finishing up is one called Principles of Entrepreneurship and has provided me with very good information. I have learned that an entrepreneur is one that is willing to take risks and is able to put their ideas out there. There is no specific "profile" for being one. This is one of those careers that anyone can pursue as long as they have determination, dedication, creativity, self confidence, passion, and leadership. One must be willing to go out there and talk to many people to learn more and ask questions. Many become entrepreneurs because they love knowing that they will be their own boss and they will be the ones in charge of making all the decisions. They will not have to work for someone else and will be able to make their own schedule. Decision making plays a major role in entrepreneurship. Decision after decision is being made on what the product should be, who it is targeting, and how you should come about this business. Sometimes it is best to start your own business with a partner because research has shown that bankers and investors prefer financing new business that are started with two or more people. The only difference is that the decision making, or "power", will be shared among all of you instead of just one person. This career path is not an easy one, but it can be done if you do everything that is needed. You start off small and turn it into something profitable. If you're not a big people person, you need to change that now. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blog 9: EQ

1. I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ.

2.  a. What is the most important factor in healthy weight loss?
          This EQ makes sense and is specific but seems like the answer could be a simple list of ways to lose weight. But, it is not a yes or no question. You can research what applies as healthy weight loss and what factors contribute to it.

     b. What is most important to securing a conviction in a criminal investigation?
          This EQ isn't a yes or no question and allows you to research into depth on criminal investigation and what a conviction is, but when I first read it, I was kind of confused by the wording. I am not too sure if this would fit the rule of three.

     c. What is most important in creating a hairstyle that best satisfies a customer?
          This EQ is well written and it is not a yes or no question. It is formatted well and it is simple and makes sense. It allows you to argue and make a point based on the research you do on hairstyles and how to create them.
     d. How can an Anesthesiologist best treat chronic pain?
           This EQ meets the rule of 3 because it provides great research into what Anesthesiologists do and how they treat chronic pain. You also have to research what chronic pain is. It is not a simple yes or no question. You can argue a point about which treatment is better and back it up with research on why. The format of this question makes sense and it is specific and strait to the point.
3. What is most important in successfully running and maintaining a presentable Spa?

Thursday, October 31, 2013


It was a different experience doing my second interview because it was with my actual mentor. My official mentor is my very own sister Tianna Negrete. She works at the Pacific Palms Resort and Spa. This will not be a problem because even though she is my sister, at work when I go to do my mentorship, she treats me the way she has to in the work force. I am looking forward to going in more often and seeing more about the way the spa is run. I think it is also a plus that my sister is still going to school to major in business because I can ask her about any information that she can give me on that. I also feel that I can benefit from hanging gout with her at work and helping her out there because that way I can learn more on my social skills. My sister is a people person and she is able to communicate with anyone and provide great customer service. I hope that I can learn from her and get out of my comfort zone because that is one major skill that is needed in the business world. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Blog 8: Research and Working EQ

1. Working EQ: What is the best way to stay competitive in the Spa Industry?

2. Possible Answer: Focus the spa on what the customers are looking for, appeal to what they are seeking; age and gender are a major part of what one may need to keep in mind.

3. The most important source that has helped me come up with an answer to my working EQ is an article called "Marketing a Resort-Based Spa" written by Patricia Monteson. This article focuses more on the spa aspect and what things one should focus on when wanting to open a resort based spa. It gives insight on what "spa-goers" are looking for based on both age and gender.

4. I am volunteering / doing my mentorship at the Pacific Palms Resort. The manager will have me be around those who work in the spa department of this resort. This opportunity to volunteer here relates to my working EQ because I will not only be able to see how a spa is run, but also how this spa differs from others on what it has to offer. I will be able to learn how this spa place appeals to its customers too.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Approval

1. For my 30 hours, I plan to take online courses that focus on the business aspect of my topic. I will be taking cornel notes while also doing the work that is required for each course. The courses will focus on anything related to business and entrepreneurship.

2. To meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of work, I will show the course descriptions and the work that I completed. If I am able to, I will also print out all the specific course work and anything else that is available.

3. By doing this, I will explore my topic more into depth because in order to succeed in this topic, I need to be more familiar with the business aspect of it. Business is the foundation of running a spa or any other business in general. It is the most important part of beginning any small business. I need to go more in depth in order to learn about how things work in the business industry and how it is to start up and run something. Entrepreneurship will also be something I will learn about because I am focusing on starting my own business.

Monday, September 30, 2013


I am stressing out over my mentorship. I thought that part of my senior project would be finalized by now but it hasn't. I am stressing over it because I know that I need it in order to do my next blog for this week. That's why I am going to go to more different places tomorrow and try to get my mentorship secured. I can say that so far finding my mentorship is the most difficult part of my senior project. I know I don't have any room to get behind and this should have been done already. But this is something I have to get used to. Things will never be easy and there will be some bumps along the way. I just have to push forward and get through it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blog 6: Second Interview Questions

1. I am still waiting for that final response for my official mentor. If I do not get it by the end of this week I will most likely find another one at one of the places you suggested I call.

2. What kind of education did you pursue in order to get to this job position?

    What kind of experience did you have in this field?    

    How did you hear about Pacific Palms?

    Was being in the spa business/industry something you always wanted to do?
    If you could go back and change a decision you made that impacted your career life, which one would it be and why?

    What do you enjoy most about your job? Why?

    What do you dislike? Why?


Friday, September 6, 2013

Blog 5: Project Reflection & Working EQ

1. The positive thing that has happened as a result of what I have completed so far is that I am going out there and not being super shy like I have always been. Ever since my mentorship and having to deal with not only the kids of all different ages but the other program advisers, I have noticed that I am able to communicate better with others without being so nervous or scared.

2. The book Rich Dad Poor Dad that you suggested has so far provided me with good information on the simple ways of learning how to work with money and how it works. This is a major part of owning and running any type of business which is part of my topic. This book is giving me an idea of the foundation of a good business and how to be able to manage the big picture of the "money" aspect.

3. So far the thing that has worked for me in the senior project is being able to find research on this topic. I was worried at first that I would not find anything specific, but learned that the spa industry is growing. Because of that, there are more articles and current events regarding the spa industry that I am able to use. These include the three that I found up in Cal Poly today and emailed to myself.

4. What hasn't worked so far is mainly getting something to focus on for the EQ. It is difficult to pick because there is so much in this topic that is important. Other than that, every other part of this senior project is going well for me.

5. The potential question I'd like to study this year is "What is the most difficult aspect of managing a spa?"  or "What is the best way for the spa industry to deal with its competition?"
For mentorship, I am planning to be at the Pacific Palms Resort. I promise I keep bugging my sister about it until I get my answer. I am also contacting the other places you suggested. I'm hoping to get the final answer by the beginning of the week.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Where I Visit.

One of the places I am still waiting and hoping to find a mentor is at the Pacific Palms Resort. I am almost done with making that come true. The reason I know about it and am connected to it is because my own sister works there as the Spa Coordinator. She actually finds it really weird that I want to focus on something like this. I have visited this amazing resort several times and even go running up on its trails. There are golf courses, pools, and all the spa treatments. I can see that it takes so much to keep this place running the way it does and at the same time provide service to everyone there. I get to hear so much about what works and what doesn't work each day through my sister. She explains to me how her day goes at work. Despite the hardship, I really hope to get as far as this resort has gone. I'm looking forward to spending my time here and at the other places I will be contacting.

*If any of you like golfing, I can certainly have my sister get you some golf passes for the day.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blog 4: Interview Preparation

1. For my first interview, I plan to interview one of my former teachers. He was my AVID teacher and I know he is one that I can always go to for help or advice on anything. He knows many people and will certainly find me another connection on what I want to do. I know a teacher may seem far from what I chose, but I know he has a wide range of knowledge and will provide me with the information I need.

2. Additional questions I plan to ask will most likely be about my actual topic.
For example, "What do you think about running a business?" ,
"What do you feel is the most important part of running any type of business?" ,
"What do you think about owning a business in the Spa and Resort industry?" ,
"What type of hardships will be encountered along the process of starting a business?" ,
"How do you feel about Spas?"

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1. Topic Choice: Running a Resort / Spa

2. To show growth in each of the ELSR's, I plan to prepare and be sure to be responsible for not only myself, but the others around me.

Effective Learner: To be an effective learner I will certainly need to go beyond what is given in front of me and use my creativity in order to be more successful. This will definitely help with my Senior Project and to contribute to either iFest or Scarefair. For my core classes, I will be sure to ask and develop more questions for further understanding and not limit myself to my resources.

Effective Communicator: To achieve this, I will have to express myself in a positive way towards others especially during group work or any other house activities. It is best that I maintain a positive attitude towards everyone and everything in order to cooperate with my classmates.This is important because I need to contribute to others rather than mess with their "level". This will definitely be used through out the whole year whether it is for group work or the committees I join.

Effective User of Technology: What I need to show most growth in is being an effective user of technology. I'm familiar with technology, but I am planning to incorporate it more in projects and other activities in order to advance with it. I need to get out of my comfort zone and explore the technological resources. I will share what I know with others while also asking for help. My goal is to use technology to contribute to any of the school activities by the end of this year.

Effective Ipoly Citizen: As an Ipoly citizen, I will prove to maintain a positive attitude and effort towards everyone and everything just as I mentioned before. This will make me be a better person when I join committees because I am going to have to work with my peers and get things done. I will participate in as many committees as I can in order to prove that I am responsible in helping out.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer Mentorship Component


1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq14d8_ksXQ7dEVpdkpWWjhoYWdJMW9rLXExYXh3Y1E

2. Contact Name: Sarah Sanchez
    Contact Number: 626-334-1065

3. What is the maximum amount of kids that one person can be accountable for when running a program?

As a program coordinator, what is the best strategy for keeping things running the way they are supposed to?

Are there certain qualities / regulations that need to be met in order to be able to run a program with over 100 kids?


4. The most important thing I gained from this experience was how to handle the many different types of personalities that come from kids of different ages. It runs from 7 year olds to 17 year olds. Patience and commitment was a major part of the day because these kids are there from 8 to 3:30 in the afternoon. Handling different situations and making sure the program kept on schedule and on task was something I had to focus on.


5. These hours of mentorship helped me choose my topic because it somewhat relates to what I want to do in life. I want to be able to interact with others, help them, and be able to run something on my own. It is a lot for one person to handle but can be done.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

2013 2-Hour Presentation Reflections

1) The presentations I watched were:

Salvador - Soccer
Jacob - Teaching History
JD - Pastry Art
Kendall - Breast Cancer
Rachel - Teaching Chemistry
Reann - Wildlife Conservation
Jada - Autism / Psychiatry
Roxana - Daycare Centers
Jaime - Navy Basic Training
Leslie - Zombies
Joseph - Integrate Native Species
Andrea - Painting
Raul - Remote Controlled Car Racing
Ana - Event Planning

2) A question I still have about the senior project is:
Is it better for the EQ to be very specific ?
Other than that, all my other questions about the senior presentations have been answered.

3) Based on what I have seen in the senior presentations, I believe that the most important part of the project is the essential question itself. Without the essential question, you cannot move on with your project. This whole project is based on the EQ and will not succeed unless your essential question is a good one.

4) The topic that I might consider doing will be either something on life-guarding or something in the medical field. I am considering these because these are topics that interest me and I want to focus on a topic that has to do with helping and informing others. I want my future to involve helping others. This senior project will be a great way to start.