Monday, October 14, 2013

Blog 8: Research and Working EQ

1. Working EQ: What is the best way to stay competitive in the Spa Industry?

2. Possible Answer: Focus the spa on what the customers are looking for, appeal to what they are seeking; age and gender are a major part of what one may need to keep in mind.

3. The most important source that has helped me come up with an answer to my working EQ is an article called "Marketing a Resort-Based Spa" written by Patricia Monteson. This article focuses more on the spa aspect and what things one should focus on when wanting to open a resort based spa. It gives insight on what "spa-goers" are looking for based on both age and gender.

4. I am volunteering / doing my mentorship at the Pacific Palms Resort. The manager will have me be around those who work in the spa department of this resort. This opportunity to volunteer here relates to my working EQ because I will not only be able to see how a spa is run, but also how this spa differs from others on what it has to offer. I will be able to learn how this spa place appeals to its customers too.

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